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Reduce, Reuse, Retarted

This post is on behalf of Allison, who had a funny experience today.

She went to Macy's today, since she fancied buying some of the jewelry that she designed, and a wrap to wear in the office. After having bought some of her own intellectual property, on her way out of the store, a tote bag caught her eye. She, like so many of the fairer sex, has a thing for tote bags (I don't really know what it's all about, but chicks totally dig them. Except, I'll have you know, for Valentines Day gifts. Which is something else I don't understand. If you like a thing, why wouldn't you like it for any major holiday? They don't have to make sense. They just have to be loved).

So, having seen a tote bag that she liked, she did the logical thing and bought it. Even though she was already carrying at least two bags (containing, if you'll recall, some of the fruits of her own design and a wrap), they thought it worthwhile to put the tote bag into a plastic bag.

The plastic bag, however was not going to be enough protection for the totebag, and the situation clearly required a large shopping bag in which to place the plastic bag. Giving us the following sequence:

Note please, if you will, the text on the totebag:

Use Me
Again and Again and Again
I'm used to it

See, it's one of those green tote bags that you're supposed to use to reduce consumption. What a country!


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