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Have a nice soak

Ally and I went to a spa this weekend, to do some much needed relaxing from the relatively stressful wedding preparations (Great Jones Spa, which was recommended to us by our friends Jer and Emily). It was my first real 'spa' experience, and it was definitely a great one. Very good times. We splurged on the VIP room, which is a private room for the two of us use use during and after massages. It had a steam room for two, and a nice jacuzzi.

I really liked the jacuzzi, but it was a weird size. It was a little too big for just two people, but it would have been crowded with four people. It was the perfect size for three people. Which I thought kind of strange. The whole jacuzzi thing is a really nice experience, and I was thinking that in the next place that Ally and I move into, we should totally have one put into the bathroom (presumably the next place we move into will have room enough for a three person jacuzzi). And I was thinking that if we're going to have something like that, we want our friends to feel like they can come over and use it, since it's pretty neat to have a nice soak every once in a while.

But if you have a two person jacuzzi, is it weird to invite a friendly couple over and say 'Hey - go have a nice soak. We'll be downstairs watching Heroes'? I'm not sure. I think it might be, but if someone said that to me I'd be all "Hells yeah. Yell up every time Hiro says "Mr. Isaac!" so I know to take a drink." I mean, I know it's not weird to invite people over to have a communal soak, if your jacuzzi is big enough for everyone, but what if it's not? Does that mean you aren't supposed to share?

Update: No update, really. I'm just testing something with my blogging software


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