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Stupid Blorapope

Sometimes computer programming is really frustrating. Most of the time, really. Last weeks thing:

Nusoap (a set of libraries to deal with SOAP in PHP) doesn't work with PHP 5,x, because the built in PHP soap extension uses the same class name "soapclient". This isn't a major issue, since Nusoap isn't compiled and linked, it's just a bunch of PHP files.

So it's easy enough to go into the Nusoap libraries and rename all the instance of "soapclient" to something else. The problem is that all of the tutorials and examples online assume that you aren't an idiot, and would remember doing something like changing the name of the classes in the library. So they reference "soapclient" where your library actually uses the word "nusoapclient" (or if you're Ben, "athena").

I guess this is less of a "computer programming is really frustrating" thing and more of a "Kennyb's a twit" thing. At least my hello world SOAP request is working now.


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