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Things I Love

I'm a little ashamed of myself tonight. It was my goal tonight, along with Ben, to get a drink at every bar on Avenue A between 1st and 2nd. At first blush, not a particularly lofty one, but still relatively adventurous for someone of my tolerance level.

I was unable to complete even this modest mission, making it to only 5 out of 6 bars (and honestly, I got water at the last one, which doesn't even count. If I remember correctly, Ben asked the bartender something like "what's your girliest drink for my light weight friend," to which the bartender replied "Well, we have a real gay water." And that's what I drank.

Still, that's not the point. My point is I wanted to mention two things I love. The first is New York City. In a mission to drink at every bar along a particular block, I was only able to get to the ones on the west side of the street. Got to love a city like that. I think probably NY and New Orleans are some of the only cities in the nation where I would have that sort of problem.

The second is the internet. As I was walking from bar 5 to Ben's place to pick up my bag, I passed a group of people and over heard "Hey - did you see the youtube video of the kid humping the ottoman?" and I burst out laughing. I decided to look for it when I made it home, and found this. I don't know what the hell it is, but I know that I love any medium that allows me to share in something this screwed up with some random people I find on the street.


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Comments (1)


For the record, I completed the Tour of Duty. Oh, and it turned out to be 7 -- we forgot Nice Guy Eddies.

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