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The Black Stripes

Ally is reading a copy of WWDScoop, which has a picture of Jack and Meg from the White Stripes wearing some nonsense or another. She asked the question "Why do they dress like such idiots?" to which I responded "If you and I were the White Stripes, we'd look like complete retards all the time. In fact, I'd demand it."

And then I had the best idea ever (which someone else has almost definitely already had, but I haven't read it anywhere else so I'm planting a flag in the idea in this space). Ally and I are going to start a band called the Black Stripes, and we're each going to learn a fundamental instrument that is sorely lacking in the White Stripes. She's going to learn the bass, and I'm going learn the synthesizer. We'll write songs that can be started at specific parts of other White Stripes songs, and they'll sync up perfectly just like Dark Side and the Wizard of Oz.

DJ Danger Mouse will do a mashup record of our albums, and call it The Grey Stripes. Wait, that's too close to the other one. Maybe he'll call it Monochrome Plaid. We'll work that bit out later. I gotta go to practice.


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