The Google Mirror Site

What's the Euro to Dollar Conversion Rate Again?

I was sitting in the car with my mom the other day, and she was talking about something or other that she wanted. It being my mother, there's a 50% chance that it was a foot massage (this is, evidentally, a genetic thing - there is nothing I want quite so much as a foot massage. At least, nothing that I can pay for. Legally, anyway). In any case, I said something to the effect of:

"Well, mom - you are a woman of means, and as such there is nothing preventing you from just going out and paying for this thing that you want."

To which my mother replied: "The reason I am a woman of means is that I am frugal, and watch where my money goes very closely. If I just went out and got anything that I wanted, I would no longer be a woman of means."

This is brilliant and (like many brilliant things that do not involve the concepts of fusion or the like) obvious. I was going to use this as a stepping stone to my bitching about how much BBEdit costs, and how that cost is preventing me from buying it. But instead I think I'm just going to leave it as it stands, and go buy TextMate instead.


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